Our young people are exposed to so much more than ever before....and they have the World Wide Web at their fingertips...
They are being constantly exposed to vaping, binge drinking, drugs, ..... the list goes on...
It can be pretty scary!!
First Light Natural Health® Strong Teens Support© supports teenagers to develop strong, healthy boundaries and the ability to say ‘no’ when being coerced or when something doesn’t feel right.
It gives them support and space to be who they are without being pressured into making choices they know aren't for them.
Strong Teens Support©
Emotional Strength
An emotionally empowering flower essence blend to support teenagers to develop strong, healthy boundaries and the ability to say ‘no’ when being coerced or when something doesn’t feel right.
Supports emotional resilience, assertiveness and self-respect in teenagers when they are facing tough life experiences or dealing with peer pressure or bullying.