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How to feel empowered everyday with help from nature

How to feel empowered everyday with help from nature

We all know that our emotional wellbeing can influence how we think, feel and behave in our day to day life.
It can also affect our ability to manage stress, adapt to change, build relationships and to take charge of our work-life balance.
Looking after your emotional wellbeing doesn’t necessarily mean you’re feeling on top of the world 100% of the time. It is about supporting yourself to feel equipped to manage life’s ups and downs.
The Chakras – Feel balanced and less anxious
We live in a world that is becoming increasingly more complex and challenging. If we want to feel balanced, empowered and able to confidently meet any situations that arise we need to look after our chakras.
The chakras are the energy centres of our body and they influence our thoughts, feelings and actions. They influence the quality of our life and our experience of life.
When our chakras are energetically balanced we feel like we can ‘stand’ tall and strong in the world - we experience feelings of inner balance and harmony, we feel empowered and capable of meeting life situations with ease.
There are a number of factors that can negatively impact the chakras, which can cause them to become imbalanced and in turn can easily disrupt our sense of inner harmony.
When our chakras are out of balance, we can feel disconnected, anxious and have no clear direction. We can feel insecure and ungrounded.
Some of the common factors that cause chakra imbalances include: 
The rapid pace of change, sedentary lifestyles, environmental degradation, poor dietary habits, the proliferation of potentially harmful chemicals, radiation and toxicity, as well as our own disempowering thoughts and negative emotions.
Loud noises such as amplified music, leaf blowers or nail guns can also easily throw our chakras out of balance.
Chakra imbalances can be easily addressed with First Light Natural Health® Chakra Balance Support©.
This emotionally balancing flower essence blend contains seven tree essences from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range to support the chakras. They support emotional stability and a natural sense of inner strength and wellbeing.
First Light Natural Health® Chakra Balance Suppor provides natural support when you are experiencing any of the following:
  • Lacking direction and feeling uncertain about life choices
  • Feeling ungrounded, out of balance, unsupported
  • Reacting instead of responding to life situations
  • Unable to stay in the present moment
  • Living an unbalanced lifestyle
  • Feeling afraid of standing out or standing up for yourself
  • Not trusting your own inner guidance
  • Have a balanced outlook on life, feel grounded, connected and in control
  • Have a sense of stability, direction and purpose
  • Build the right foundations for a successful, harmonious life
  • Tap into your own wisdom and resources to set and achieve goals
  • Feel strong and supported in everyday life
How To Use
Easy to use 20ml oral drops. Place 2-4 drops directly under the tongue.
Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily. Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily.
Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required.
Alternatively add 8 drops to a bottle of water and drink throughout the day.
For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.

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Harmony and Balance
An emotionally balancing flower essence blend to support the chakras – the energy centres of the body.
Supports emotional stability and a natural sense of inner strength and wellbeing. Use when feeling out of balance or disconnected from the world around you.
Use daily to support the optimal functioning of the chakras and the building of the foundations necessary for a healthy and successful life.
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